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Yay! My Officially 2nd Entry~~ Wee~~

okay kali ni i really2 post another entry. penat! aduyai..seb baek la ade masa [ada ke? woi pika test next week okay!] untuk meng-update. okaylah readers, minggu hari tu kitowg ade pegi BUKIT BESAR tuk daki..konon2 nk kurus la en..ahaha..kitowg pegi da agak petang laa..about 6-something p.m.Therefore, kami xsempat sampai atas..but hey, its kinda fun! ya it IS! if any1 of u wanna take me out u better think of dis kinda places. because it makes me kurus once after i go out wif u. ahahaaa..azam bulan ni nk diet! KURUS,  KURUS, KURUS! bukan nasi lemak KUKUS ayam berempah, nasi lemak KUKUS ayam berempah, nasi lemak KUKUS ayam berempah! okayh, da melalut. neway i do had a VERY guddd tyme wif my housemates! thx to dila(siti nur fatin adila. ahaha), dayah, farahin, bell, n kete dan minyak Dila. ehehe..

 kami sumeee COMELLLKANN???

So that day ends up to be i-x-kurus2-yet-so-happy day..uhuhuuu..

-picture= credit to dila


  1. gile kurus korg.... aq pon nk join la mgu dpn.... hehehehe

  2. hahaha..besh!ske2...syg sume...muah2 ket...

  3. pijan: ahahaaa...g sorang2. hahahaa..penatt
    siti nur fatin adila: muahhh2~~!!

  4. comel je kartun tu.. aja ak yok... :)
