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Kalo bosan cuba try godek-godek email sendiri. Mesty macam2 adaa

Penah x check email?
agak-agak en ape ade lam email tu ek?
td kn..pika bukak email..pastu jmpe nih.

bile plak aku anta email nih? 
kejadahh.. yg xbleh blah nye ape motiff??? =..="
maluuu gilaaa...
hurmmm..bile pk2 blk ni mesti sebab tyme tuh aku kecik lg..
zaman gila-gilaa punyaaa la minat kat cardcaptor sakura, sailormoon bagai. kui3..

 comell kann??

sebnanye sailormoon ni la sebab aku start blaja lukis2 niyh..

sekarang pon masih lg minat. ekeke..
bila da masuk u da jarang-jarang da lukish..
kalo x kerane blog mmg xlukis laa..huhuu..
p/s gambar2 diatas sumee bukan aku yg lukish. ahaha..nk cari lukisan dulu2 ade kat umah. 

I just wanna let go of the burden

I hav a test tomorrow. Object-oriented Programming test. what shud I do? I haven't start anything yet I end up here trying to glue back the pieces of MyHeart.  (haha bodoh. study jela. lupe kn nde2 ngarut nih.)

Let us juz be friends.
Lets go a step ahead.
Let us see a new path, maybe a brighter one.
Lets juz be real.
Let us learn to let go..

I'm happy for the past, 
I'll treasure this present, 
n I'll be waiting for the future..=D

ok done! jom stdy oop! kau ni pika. macam la sedeyh tuh leyh mati. ahaha..ok2..stdy2